Sharon Shaw Open House
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Celebration of Waltz in honor of Sharon Shaw

Written by Rick Archer, December 2022


Rick Archer's Note:

On Monday, December 05, 2022, the Houston Dance Community attended an Open House at Chapelwood Methodist Church in honor of Sharon Shaw. 

Sharon taught Waltz as well as Whip and Western dancing at SSQQ Dance Studio from 1988 to 2017.  Known as Sharon Crawford back in those days, she was a much-loved, much-admired instructor. 

Sharon's major claim to fame was her Western Waltz program.  She would teach Waltz five months in a row to classes in excess of 100 students.  Many of Houston's best dancers got their start in Sharon's Waltz program. 

I lost track of Sharon during the Covid years.  For that matter I guess I lost track of a lot of people.  However, recently Sharon and I were reunited thanks to square dancing.  Sharon invited Marla and me to attend square dance lessons with the Hey Lollies this past September.  This gave use a perfect chance to renew our friendship with Sharon and her husband Bill.  It also caused me to do some reminiscing about the long-lost glory days SSQQ Dance Studio.

SSQQ came to an unfortunate end in 2017 due to flood damage caused by Hurricane Harvey.  We assumed SSQQ would reopen as promised, but financial problems and Covid put an end to that.  When it became apparent that SSQQ was unlikely to rise again, I decided it was time to give Sharon the respect she was due for her many years of service. 

So recently I asked Sharon if she would like to teach a Waltz class for old times sake.  Sharon said she was all for it.  I put the word out, lots of people passed it on and sure enough we had a huge turnout.  Estimates peg the crowd at 80 people.

There was a kindness that went around that night.  Susan Agnew of Chapelwood pulled strings and let us use Fellowship Hall at no charge.  What a huge gift that was!  Ken Hengst came and set up a sound system which allowed Sharon to use her microphone.  Karen Clawson came to reprise her role as Sharon's favorite Waltz assistant.  Karen and Sharon's husbands Dennis and Bill came along to offer their support.  Jerry Boldra went to the trouble of bringing some lovely flowers.  Of course I promised Jerry he could smooch Sharon on the cheek if he did so.  Thank goodness Sharon cooperated.  Best of all, everyone had fun.  The students had fun Waltzing the night away and Sharon was glowing from start to finish.  It was a love fest all the way around. 


A Trip Down SSQQ Memory Lane with Sharon


Sharon is the Waltz Goddess


Sharon was a performing Waltz dancer in the Nineties.  Her friend Patrick Steerman is her partner in both pictures.


Sharon and Bill come to Rick and Marla's 2004 Wedding


Marla and I were married aboard the Royal Caribbean Rhapsody.  Naturally I wanted to have a perfect First Dance at the Wedding.  I mean, dancing is supposed to be my profession right?  Leaving nothing to chance, Marla and I practiced endlessly.  And I mean Endlessly.  Dancing to 'A Time for Us' from Romeo and Juliet, we were perfect from the start.  So perfect in fact that I was actually enjoying myself. 

I was dancing merrily along when I heard someone whisper, "Oh, that was soooo beautiful!

Due to my vanity, I just had to know who my admirer was.  So I looked up and it was Sharon!  And of course I smiled at her in gratitude.  Only one problem.  I completely forgot where I was in my pattern.   Flustered at the distraction, I had to stop and start over.  AND IT WAS COMPLETELY SHARON'S FAULT!  The nerve of her to compliment me in the middle of my dance and distract me.  But that wasn't the end of it.  When Sharon saw me stop, she knew exactly what had happened.  Everyone in the building heard her giggle. 

By the way, if you look at the dance picture, you will see Sharon in the upper left corner. 


Rick and Marla come to Sharon and Bill's 2005 Wedding


Sharon and Bill first met at SSQQ.  Bill Shaw was one of Sharon's many admirers in her Waltz class.  Bill had a huge crush on Sharon, but he was not quite in her league as a dancer.  Plus she was surrounded by so many guys, who has that kind of courage? 

So Bill held back at the time.  Later though they ran into each other at an Internet dating site.  This time Bill was ready for the challenge. 

Bill and Sharon were married in 2005, a year after Rick and Marla. 


The Dirty Dancing Workshop


Patrick Swayze's hit 1987 movie Dirty Dancing inspired me to cook up some dance moves based on the film.  Thank goodness Sharon offered to help.

The workshop was a huge hit.  The room was packed.  Fortunately I had the sense to build a stage so everyone could see us demonstrate our patterns. 

What a shame the mirror ruined what was a perfect pose between Rick and Sharon up on stage.  But I have to ask myself why someone would take a picture through a reflection in the mirror when they could have aimed directly at us instead?  Yet another one of those many questions I ask that will remain unanswered for eternity.


Sharon's Blind Date


Sharon was not just beautiful, she had the most gorgeous long legs.  Did you know Sharon was once a Kilgore Rangerette?

You would think a woman as beautiful as Sharon could find a better-looking date for the Halloween Party.  This guy said he came as a Blind Date.  Note the black eyes.

Sharon later said she sort of wished she could be blind too because she had to look at this guy all night.


Sharon is the Whip Goddess


The eye-catching picture on the left was used as our icon to promote Whip Dancing.

So for one Halloween Party Sharon dressed as the Whip Goddess. 

I give Sharon high marks for creativity.  I also give Sharon high marks for having the courage to show off her awesome figure in that skin-tight outfit. 

But I also think she lost her nerve a little.  That wig and mask hid so much of her face no one even knew it was Sharon.


Sharon has a sense of humor


Broke and Penniless Party, April 15

Halloween 1998

We had an outrageous amount of fun at SSQQ.  Sharon was one of the ringleaders.

For our Broke and Penniless Party in at tax time in April one year, we were supposed to come dressed as a homeless person.  Sharon sewed her garment out of a potato sack, then brought along a grocery cart filled with discards as a prop. 

One year Sharon's Halloween costume was rather racy. Sharon and her girlfriends called themselves the Tits and Ass girls. 

We had a blast with a yearly event known as the Lip Sync Party.  We would get out there and pretend to sing classic hits, but with a twist.  We played each skit for laughs. 

People split a gut when Sharon came out as Dolly Parton.  I'm not sure if Dolly was supposed to be pregnant or if there was a man hiding inside, but I do remember Sharon brought the house down.

Sharon was cosmic as Diana Ross and the Supremes.  The three ladies sang 'Stop in the Name of Love' and absolutely nailed the hand movements, gloves and all.


Rick's 40th Birthday Party


I always thought Sharon had a great sense of humor until the day came when she used it on me. 

Sharon was at my house one day helping with the mailing list.  By chance she noticed a childhood snapshot lying on my desk.  Sharon secretly pocketed the picture and used it for an inspired practical joke.

Imagine my surprise when I saw my 6th Grade face staring back me on my 40th birthday. 

I'll get Sharon back someday.  Don't know when, but life is long.


Sharon questions my taste in clothing


There were times when Sharon was not so sure she wanted to be seen in public with me.

I have no idea what her problem was.  I thought I looked good.


Bill and Sharon join Rick and Marla for a beer in Dublin

In 2010, Sharon and Bill accompanied Marla and me on a cruise trip that stopped in Dublin, Ireland.  We wasted no time finding a suitable pub to sample Guinness beer and other local favorites.  It was a great pleasure to raise a glass in celebration of sharing time with good friends. 

Speaking of good friends, let me express my gratitude to the many Houston dancers who came out at Chapelwood to honor my friend Sharon for a lifetime of service and good deeds.  Sharon is so modest and humble, she would never dream of calling attention to herself.  Which of course is why I decided to do it for her. 

SSQQ Dance Studio was once the largest dance studio in America.  It would have never achieved this pinnacle of success without the talent and graciousness of this fine woman.  With much love and great respect, live long and prosper, Sharona.

Rick Archer, December 2022

PS- I have written about Sharon previously.  If you would like to know more about her, I invite you to read my earlier stories.

Sharon brings the Western Waltz to Houston

The Dangers of being Blonde and Curious

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